SatoshiChain April WrapUp

3 min readMay 1, 2023


Testnet Milestones, Community Growth, and Upcoming Events

Testnet Achievements

April has been a monumental month for SatoshiChain, with the testnet producing impressive results such as over 3 million transactions, 130k wallets, 12k+ contracts, and thousands of NFTs. The SatoshiChain team is immensely grateful for the extensive testing carried out by our ever-growing community and is excited to present the achievements of the past month.

The Sacrifice Event and Bonus Extension

The Sacrifice event has garnered an outstanding response, with over one thousand unique sacrifices made so far. The team is incredibly appreciative of the support and, in response to feedback and requests, has extended the 100% bonus period until May 31st as a gesture of gratitude to our early supporters. The bonus extension means that early participants can continue to enjoy increased rewards during this period. To learn more about the sacrifice event, visit

Bridge Testing

The SatoshiChain bridge is currently undergoing core testing, with community and team members reviewing the bridge for the first time. Based on the feedback received, UI updates are being implemented to enhance the user experience. The bridge will be released for public testing once these UI updates are completed, ensuring that users can enjoy a seamless and intuitive interface.

Hackathon Updates

April also marked the conclusion of our hackathon, with winners to be announced soon. Stay tuned for more information on the winners and details about our next hackathon, which will take place in the near future.

Upcoming Epoch and Stress Testing

As we enter the final month of testing, we will be launching a new Epoch to simulate the mainnet launch. This simulation will provide valuable insights into the network’s performance under real-world conditions, allowing us to make necessary adjustments before the official launch. Keep an eye on our social channels for announcements regarding stress testing and community events.

Zealy To-Do List for Testers

Additionally, we are developing a Zealy to-do list for testers, which will provide daily tasks to complete. This feature aims to streamline the testing process and encourage continuous engagement from our community. More information on this feature will be shared in due course.

Partnerships and Collaboration

With a strong emphasis on collaboration and partnerships, we anticipate that May will be a month filled with exciting announcements regarding partnerships we have been nurturing throughout April. Some of these partnerships include collaborations with well-established projects in the DeFi and NFT sectors, expanding SatoshiChain’s ecosystem and providing more opportunities for users.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to every single tester. Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping SatoshiChain and making it better than we ever imagined.

We can’t wait to see what May brings to SatoshiChain!

Stay Connected and Get Involved

Stay up to date on our progress and join our community:

Stay decentralized!

Christopher Kuntz — Co-founder of SatoshiChain




SatoshiChain is an EVM-compatible blockchain that aims to complement the original Bitcoin cryptocurrency.